Meditation Moments - 7 Part Series

Excited to share a new mind-body health resource. For a few months, I have been writing, presenting and recording to create Meditation Moments - 7 Part Series. These virtual guided sessions focus on learning and exploring fundamental techniques and concepts in meditation and provide participants with the opportunity to build skills towards developing a meditation practice. 

If you are interested in wellness resources or curious about the practice of meditation, I invite you to follow the links below to a collection of videos recorded from live sessions. Each part consists of a theme, with introductory information and a guided mindfulness meditation. Discussion topics include mental health, emotional heath, physical wellness, self-care, self-compassion, awareness, growth and much more. Great for beginners, as well as regular practitioners.

Virtual wellness sessions are a beneficial health and wellness resource for clients and employees. Since March 2020, I have been hosting ongoing yoga, meditation and mindfulness groups with The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and The City of London. For information, scheduling and pricing inquiries, please reach me through the contact form or at