A different sort of mind-body health post today. I absolutely love these photos taken at the very special Gifts of Light Barbecue at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
I have a tendency to get a bit overwhelmed at big events with so much going on. As a result, the image I had created in my head of what these photos would look like was one of wild hair and perhaps messy make-up (not that this really matters). What I was doing was transferring my inner world, based on emotions and sensations created in my body and brain, on to my external appearance.
When I saw these lovely photos I was quite thrilled! It’s kind of like the opposite of judging a book by its cover...or the now common term ‘invisible illness’. Thank you to the photographer who also helped me choose which 7-day temporary tattoo to get as I could not decide…decisions!
Visit giftsoflight.ca to learn more about how you can help this important program. Gifts of Light are practical, meaningful gifts that meet the unique needs of mental health and addiction patients at CAMH. When you purchase a Gifts of Light on behalf of your friends and family, you are helping people on their journey to recovery.
Photo credits: Patrick Callan